Summer Solstice - The Longest Day

Today is not just the Summer Solstice, marking the year's longest day of light and warmth, but it's also a day close to our hearts for not one but two heartfelt reasons.  First it's National Dachshund Day, and Linda and I are reminded of the joy our sweet pack brings to us every day. These little warriors fill our home with love and laughter, reminding us of the simple joys in life, but today also carries an even deeper meaning. It's a day dedicated to the fight against Alzheimer's - a battle that took Linda's mom, my grandmother, and several other family members from us. Linda's mom was the inspiration behind our Forget Me Not collection, symbolizing our commitment to never forget those we love and to keep fighting for a cure.

This day, with its extended light, shines a spotlight on our passions and our promises - to our fur babies, to our loved ones lost, and to our steadfast commitment to giving back. Join us in celebrating the beauty of this day, remember to hug your pets a little tighter, and perhaps, take a moment to reflect on how we can all contribute to making the world a better and brighter place.

Let's keep the conversation going. How do you make the most of the longest day of the year? You can also share with us how you're contributing to causes close to your heart. Just click here.

Interested in helping us give back? Check out our collection of pet lover's jewelry or our forget-me-not collection.