January 27, 2021
5 Ways To Make Valentine's Day Special During A Pandemic

Valentine’s Day (also known as Andrew’s birthday) is on February 14th. Traditionally it’s a holiday of candy, flowers, dinner at fancy restaurants and dates to romantic movies. So what do you do when there’s a pandemic and going out is not an option? Here are 5 ways you can celebrate Valentine’s Day from the comfort of your own home.
1. Rent a first run movie
Going out to the movies is no longer the only way to see first run movies. Services like FandangoNow and AMC Theatres On Demand are now making it possible to see new movies without leaving home. Nothing new catch your eye? Then relive a moment in time with a movie you saw together years ago. No matter what choice you make, don’t forget the popcorn.
2. Have a special meal at home
When I say have a special meal, I’m not necessarily talking about anything fancy. Special for you could be pizza or something from your favorite Chinese restaurant, or it could be trying a new recipe you found online. What matters is that it’s special to you.
3. Make homemade Valentine’s Day cards
Store-bought cards are nice (and expensive), but nothing feels better than receiving a homemade card from someone you care about. The reason is that you know there was time and thought involved, and anyone (yes, including you) can do it. A quick search for “homemade valentine's day cards” will give you tons of ideas.
4. People love getting mail, so send a personal note
Everyone loves getting mail (as long as it’s not bills). What’s especially exciting is receiving a letter that has been hand addressed and handwritten. You don’t have to say a lot, and you don’t have to say anything profound. You just have to take the time to write something personal and pop it in the mail old school style. Not big on handwriting or mailing? In that case, send a heart-felt email. As long as it’s personal you’ll make them feel special.
5. Let them hear your voice (and maybe see your face)
There’s nothing like hearing from someone you care about on a special occasion. You can call, facetime, Zoom … it doesn’t matter how you communicate. It’s just important that you make the call and let them hear your voice. It’s the one thing that’s guaranteed to put a smile on both of your faces.
So how do you plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day? Drop us a line and let us know. Brownie points if you send a video. : )
Looking for a special gift? Check out our Valentine’s Day collection.